
Moore Mistakes on Healthcare

September 29, 2009

According to news reports, filmmaker Michael Moore is in Washington, DC today to promote his oxymoron of a movie, Capitalism:  A Love Story (Aren’t capitalist-minded producers making money on this … Continued

A Fresh Look at Longevity Comparisons

September 22, 2009

The United States healthcare system takes a beating in some quarters because of our lower life expectancy compared to other affluent, industrialized countries.  The blame is often placed on the … Continued

The Baucus Bill

September 18, 2009

Chairman Baucus deserves to be commended for his steadfast efforts to develop health reform legislation that has the potential to gain strong majority support in the United States Senate.  Health … Continued

The President’s Speech

September 10, 2009

President Obama is right when he says the time for action on health reform is now.  He’s also correct when he says that there is widespread agreement on most of … Continued

Senator Harkin Becomes HELP Chairman

September 9, 2009

Congratulations to Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa on his ascension to the chairmanship of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, taking the place of the late Edward Kennedy. … Continued

Assessing the Impact of Prevention

September 3, 2009

One of the more interesting discussions within the larger health reform debate concerns the financial impact of wellness and disease prevention initiatives.  Logic says that doing a better job of … Continued

Drug Innovation: The Research and Development Process

September 1, 2009

New data released this week, shows that the biopharmaceutical industry spent a record $65.2 billion on research and development for new medicines in 2008.  There is no question that the … Continued