October 30, 2009
There is a great deal to analyze in the more than 1,900 pages that make up the proposed health reform legislation unveiled by House leaders this week, and we’ll be … Continued
October 29, 2009
Below is my blog post which was featured today on Disruptive Women In Health Care: If only it were an urban legend that senior citizens in the United States were … Continued
October 27, 2009
They’ve been called “immoral,” “skyrocketing” and “obscene,” but the fact is that health insurer profits don’t match the rhetoric coming from proponents of a government health plan option. Unfortunately, health … Continued
October 26, 2009
An upcoming edition of the British medical journal The Lancet will feature the results of research into a new diabetes drug that is demonstrating significant progress in helping obese patients … Continued
October 23, 2009
“Support for Public Option Grows In House and Senate” Headline, Washington Post, October 23 “Pelosi Lacks Votes For Most Sweeping Public Option” Headline, Politico, October 23
October 20, 2009
Advocates of a government-run health insurance plan are calling today’s published Washington Post/ABC News poll a game-changer, placing the impetus on Congress to give the public what it ostensibly wants. … Continued
October 14, 2009
Hollywood movie producers love what are known as “high concept” film ideas. These are plotlines that are so simple – “aliens invade Earth”, “teenage vampires take on mortals” – they … Continued
October 9, 2009
Opponents of medical liability reform have always been fond of quoting the Congressional Budget Office saying that reform measures would do very little to save taxpayers money and squeeze unnecessary … Continued
October 6, 2009
The superb New York Times columnist David Brooks has a piece in today’s newspaper that is well worth reading. He raises one of the most important, and yet overlooked, questions … Continued
October 5, 2009
In a speech today at the Cleveland Clinic Innovation Summit, the CEO of one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies called for a stronger, adequately-funded Food and Drug Administration to … Continued
Kelly Fernandez
(202) 449-3452