
News You Can Use

December 30, 2009

I’m not in the habit of plugging individual media outlets, but I can’t help but be impressed with the relatively new Kaiser Health News (KHN), a creation of the Kaiser … Continued

Medical Innovation Providing a Second Chance at Life

December 22, 2009

In November, NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital celebrated the 25th anniversary of pediatric heart transplantation.  In 1984, the Hospital’s surgeons performed the world’s first successful heart transplant to a 4-year-old … Continued

What’s Inside the Senate’s Hastily Wrapped Christmas Package?

December 20, 2009

Later this week, the U.S. Senate will vote on massive, multi-trilion dollar health reform legislation that was just revealed to members yesterday (Saturday).  For commentary on this measure and the … Continued

Advice About Medicare Part D

December 14, 2009

This morning I had the pleasure of speaking to C.E. Huffman at KTVO TV in Ottumwa, Iowa about the Medicare Part D open enrollment period.  It was a good opportunity … Continued

A First Look At The “Compromise”

December 10, 2009

The 10 Democratic senators working to find an acceptable middle ground to resolve the controversy over the government plan option have said publicly they haven’t reached an agreement yet.  They’ve … Continued

Don’t Let the Facts Get In the Way of a Good Issue

December 9, 2009

When he was a United States Senator, Barack Obama cosponsored legislation to allow the importation of prescription drugs into this country.  White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was a … Continued

The Perils of Not Getting Insurance Reform Right

December 5, 2009

A new study released on Thursday by the Oliver Wyman firm finds that health insurance premiums will be much higher under the Senate health reform bill than the Congressional Budget Office has … Continued

“Show Me” The Facts on Medical Liability

December 2, 2009

I was watching the U.S. Senate debate on health reform legislation this afternoon and had the opportunity to watch one senator making an impassioned speech about medical liability reform.  His … Continued

On The Air in OH

December 1, 2009

I want to thank WFIN Radio of Findlay, OH for inviting me on the air yesterday morning to discuss health reform.  It was a good opportunity to talk about the … Continued