
Live From New York…

November 30, 2010

The CEO of New York Presbyterian Hospital, Dr. Herb Pardes, recently conducted an interview with a New York news/talk program, Digital Age.  It’s well worth watching. Dr. Pardes, a Healthcare … Continued

The Healthcare Industry & Health Reform: No News Here, Film at 11

November 29, 2010

Some in the news media are simply determined to portray the healthcare industry, or at least individual sectors of it, as strident opponents of health reform, no matter how strongly … Continued

Lawsuits as a Growth Industry?

November 16, 2010

An interesting and disturbing article appeared in the New York Times yesterday.  The Times and the Center for Public Integrity collaborated on an investigative piece explaining how large banks, hedge … Continued

The Deficit Commission and Healthcare

November 11, 2010

The Washington Post and New York Times are ablaze today with top-of-the-page headlines about the proposals being made by the co-chairs of President Obama’s bipartisan commission on deficit reduction.  There … Continued

The Beltway’s Not Big Enough…

November 8, 2010

…to hold, that is, the entirety of the health reform debate.  While Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are still sorting out the reverberations from last Tuesday’s elections and what … Continued

Making Sense of the Numbers

November 3, 2010

By now, you’ve likely seen plenty of television news election maps showing a sea of red sweeping across the country. Power in the U.S. House of Representatives has not only … Continued

Follow Us Election Night On Twitter

November 1, 2010

Sure, you can watch CNN, Fox, or one of the major networks on Election Night and be kept up to date on the Reid-Angle spotlight race or the macro trends … Continued