
The Medicaid X Factor

October 28, 2011

As a study published in Health Affairs this week points out, anyone who believes they have a handle on what will happen when Medicaid undergoes an unprecedented expansion this decade … Continued

An Idea Whose Time Has Never Come

October 21, 2011

It used to be that congressional debates over prescription drug importation drew a great deal of national attention and featured very close outcomes.  That’s no longer the case.  This week, … Continued

No Kidding Around on Wellness

October 18, 2011

This past Sunday, Ezra Klein had a fascinating piece on the Washington Post website regarding the Cleveland Clinic (a Healthcare Leadership Council member) and its efforts to achieve a higher … Continued

USA Today and Medicare: The Hits, the Misses and the Absences

October 4, 2011

Yesterday, USA Today devoted its front page to a topic many of us have been discussing intensely for some time – how to address Medicare’s escalating costs.  The newspaper listed … Continued