
Dean v. Orszag on IPAB

July 31, 2013

The opposition to the Affordable Care Act’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) gained public support this week from what was, to some, an unlikely voice.  Former Vermont governor and one-time … Continued

The Health Value of Carrots

July 18, 2013

A new study published in Health Affairs provides compelling evidence that “carrots” — in this case, not the vegetable, but rather financial incentives — can make a significant difference in … Continued

Understanding Our Understanding of Comparative Effectiveness Research

July 15, 2013

We know that comparative effectiveness research is important.  How important, though, and what impact it will have on healthcare delivery and clinical decisionmaking is still something of an unknown variable. … Continued

Pinocchioizing the Medicare debate

July 1, 2013

Even if we can’t find a way to eliminate ‘Mediscare’ political tactics altogether, shouldn’t we be able to at least limit retiree-scaring strategies to election years? This weekend, Glenn Kessler, … Continued