
Utilizing Technology to Propel Precision Medicine Forward

April 4, 2016

As we’ve seen, there has been a steadily increasing level of discussion and enthusiasm surrounding precision medicine.  The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) has remained engaged in this conversation, given the … Continued

The “Talk to Each Other” Challenge for Healthcare

June 30, 2015

There is an excellent read in the Wall Street Journal today from Susan DeVore, the President and CEO of the Premier, Inc. alliance of 3,000 community hospitals throughout the country.  … Continued

Perpetuating Misconceptions on Patient Confidentiality

April 27, 2011

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard the case of Sorrell v. IMS Health Care which concerns a Vermont law that bans the voluntary exchange of a physician’s prescribing history.  (The Healthcare … Continued

The Supreme Court and the Importance of Information

April 4, 2011

Last week, my organization, the Healthcare Leadership Council, joined with two distinguished healthcare leaders, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan and Tommy Thompson, both former secretaries of the Department of Health and … Continued

The Privacy Scare Game

March 25, 2010

The op-ed piece by Deborah Peel, who heads the Coalition for Patient Privacy, that appeared in The Wall Street Journal this week received an inordinate amount of attention.  That’s because … Continued

Welcome to Prognosis

April 24, 2009

According to those in the know on such things, there is a new blog created every half-second.  That means 175,000 new blogs are finding a home on the Internet every … Continued