
The Employment Aspect of the Medicaid Debate

January 20, 2015

There has been plenty of discussion about the health coverage gap between the states that have expanded Medicaid eligibility and the 23 states that have, thus far, declined to do … Continued

Aetna CEO: New Math for Medicare

October 22, 2014

(We have made the point often in this space that, even with the private sector’s successes in containing healthcare costs and reducing Medicare per-capita spending to historic lows, the sheer … Continued

Medicine, Exercise and the Importance of Patient Adherence

July 18, 2014

(This month, the Healthcare Leadership Council sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on the importance of patient adherence in improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare.  The briefing featured expert perspectives … Continued

Our Veterans Deserve Better

January 31, 2014

Last year, the book “Best Care Anywhere:  Why VA Health Care Would Work Better for Everyone” entered its third printing.  The book tells of a Veterans Administration healthcare system that, … Continued

The Truth About Wellness

December 22, 2013

Posting a summary of the remarks offered by one of its recent featured speakers, the secretary-treasurer of the National Union of Healthcare Workers, the National Press Club headlined its synopsis … Continued

Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man Need Not Apply

January 30, 2012

If you smoke tobacco, you’re not going to be hired for a job by the Baylor Health Care System.  For that matter, you don’t need to waste time filling out … Continued

Fighting for Position in a Losing Game

December 6, 2011

Vermont is number one.  Mississippi is number 50.  But, truth be told, every single state has reason for concern. The United Health Foundation has issued its annual “America’s Health Rankings” … Continued

Health Education Program Collides With Mobile Innovation

February 14, 2010

Expectant and new mothers now have access to a tool to help keep themselves and their babies healthy – free informational tips sent to their cell phones. Recently, the National … Continued

The Battle Against Obesity: Hope on the Horizon?

October 26, 2009

An upcoming edition of the British medical journal The Lancet will feature the results of research into a new diabetes drug that is demonstrating significant progress in helping obese patients … Continued

On the Air in NC

June 30, 2009

I want to thank WPTF Radio of Raleigh, NC for inviting me on the air yesterday morning to discuss health reform.  It was a good opportunity to talk about the … Continued