
Heart Disease: Good News and Disturbing Trends

December 16, 2010

A new study released this week offers the encouraging news that death rates from cardiovascular disease have declined 28 percent since the late 1990s.  That speaks well for the strides … Continued

The Deficit Commission and Healthcare

November 11, 2010

The Washington Post and New York Times are ablaze today with top-of-the-page headlines about the proposals being made by the co-chairs of President Obama’s bipartisan commission on deficit reduction.  There … Continued

Now Obesity Has A Price Tag

September 22, 2010

It’s become one of the frequently-quoted axioms of American healthcare that 75 cents of every healthcare dollar we spend in this country is for treatment of chronic disease. But now, … Continued

The National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation

August 5, 2010

This summer, the Council for American Medical Innovation, a group headed by former Democratic Congressman Dick Gephardt, issued a report that raised concerns.  The report said that, while the United … Continued

Chronic Disease and Treating “The Whole Person”

June 25, 2010

There is an interview well worth reading on Kaiser Health News today.  Kate Lorig is the director of the Patient Education Research Center at Stanford University and is the creator … Continued

One Nation, Overweight

May 19, 2010

One doesn’t think of CNBC as a diet and fitness television channel, but the fact that the network is airing a special, “One Nation, Overweight”, this week is an indicator … Continued

Empowering Consumers to Protect Their Own Health

May 11, 2010

We’re witnessing more encouraging new developments in empowering consumers to protect their own health, and attack the chronic diseases that are the most potent cost drivers in the U.S. healthcare … Continued

A New Initiative in the War Against Diabetes

April 16, 2010

One of our nation’s greatest health threats is diabetes.  Over 25 million Americans have it, and another 57 million of us, or one of every four American adults, have pre-diabetic … Continued

The Workplace as a Battleground for Curbing Health Costs

April 14, 2010

This week, Johnson & Johnson’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bill Weldon added a new activity to his day—blogging.  He became a contributor, for the very first time as he … Continued

Health Reform And Medical Innovation

April 9, 2010

Throughout the recent health reform debate, policymakers spoke a great deal about coverage and access issues. There was also considerable attention paid to the challenge posed by rising healthcare costs. … Continued