Can We Still Expand Health Coverage?

One of the best forums for diverse opinions on current healthcare issues is the National Journal’s Health Care Expert Blog.  National Journal’s healthcare correspondent, Marilyn Werber Serafini, has assembled a large panel of contributors from associations, think tanks, Capitol Hill, academia and other circles to address the most important questions of the day.

This week, the question concerns the disarray that characterizes the current health reform process and, if lawmakers have to go back to the drawing board, what are the easiest, most cost-effective ways to make health coverage more accessible for uninsured Americans?

I’ve given my thoughts on the issue, which include subsidies for working families and more effective outreach to identify those who are eligible for public programs but not enrolled.

To read my submission as well as those from Congressman John Dingell (D-MI), New America Foundation head Len Nichols and others, go the National Journal expert blog.