Innovation Nation: Recognizing the Benefits of Innovation in Health Care

image-300x2231Yesterday, the Disruptive Women in Health Care blog released its latest e-book, Innovation Nation:  Recognizing the Benefits of Innovation in Health Care.  It’s a compilation of recent blog posts, bringing together diverse perspectives on the various issues affecting the future of American medical innovation.

I consider this e-book must reading (a disclaimer – yes, I have a piece included in it, focusing on the need for multiple sectors of health care, government, academia and consumer/patients to collaborate on innovation objectives).  As Robin Strongin, Disruptive Women’s creator, wrote to introduce the electronic publication, “Innovation in health care, broadly defined, is essential to the future.”

The articles in this e-book paint a clear picture of what’s at stake as the private and public sectors alike focus on what must be done to maintain the United States’ status as the world leader in healthcare innovation.