
Combatting Superbugs

October 21, 2010

CBS Evening News ran a very informative piece by Katie Couric this week on the distressing proliferation of so-called “superbugs,” infections that contain genetic mutations which make them resistant to … Continued

Babies, Bathwater and the “Repeal and Replace” Message

October 14, 2010

I’m not going to wade into partisan politics here because the Healthcare Leadership Council has a long-standing policy against endorsing political candidates.  I am concerned, though, about the “repeal and … Continued

The Medicare Part D Success Story

October 13, 2010

Everyone loves the underdog-finds-success type of story.  And that’s exactly what the Medicare Part D program has become.  Born out of political conflict and controversy and facing no shortage of … Continued

A Successful Summit and Initial Steps on an Important Issue

October 6, 2010

I want to thank the leaders and experts from various health sectors, academia, government agencies, Capitol Hill and patient advocacy groups who participated in this week’s Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration. … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration IV

October 4, 2010

Some very different perspectives are being brought to the table as government officials and private health insurers provide their views on the physician-industry collaboration issue.  Private payers are drawing a … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration III

October 4, 2010

As the summit moves from framing the discussion to getting into the nuts and bolts of physician-industry collaboration practices and principles, some interesting points have emerged: ·         Participants mentioned health … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration II

October 4, 2010

As the Summit continues into its first substantive session, on the opportunities and challenges involved in physician-industry collaboration, certain points continue to ring particularly strongly: ·         Innovation is critical to … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration I

October 4, 2010

Throughout the day, Prognosis will feature updates from the Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration taking place today at the Newseum in Washington, DC.  At this event, 75 leaders from  the healthcare … Continued