
Is Mandatory Participation in Medicare Demonstrations Necessary?

May 25, 2022

Recently, Health Affairs Forefront, published a post by Dan L. Crippen, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and currently a Healthcare Leaddership Council consultant, that should be a catalyst … Continued

The Employment Aspect of the Medicaid Debate

January 20, 2015

There has been plenty of discussion about the health coverage gap between the states that have expanded Medicaid eligibility and the 23 states that have, thus far, declined to do … Continued

The Medicaid Standoff and the Need for Flexibility

July 2, 2014

The White House’s Council of Economic Advisors released a report this week that is clearly intended to intensify the pressure on the 24 states that have, thus far, refused to … Continued

The Medicaid X Factor

October 28, 2011

As a study published in Health Affairs this week points out, anyone who believes they have a handle on what will happen when Medicaid undergoes an unprecedented expansion this decade … Continued

USA Today and Medicare: The Hits, the Misses and the Absences

October 4, 2011

Yesterday, USA Today devoted its front page to a topic many of us have been discussing intensely for some time – how to address Medicare’s escalating costs.  The newspaper listed … Continued

Change to: The Debate We Need

August 12, 2011

The Republican presidential candidates who participated in last night’s Iowa debate put on quite an interesting, as well as entertaining, show.  With political analysts pointing out that this weekend’s Ames … Continued

IPAB Dissent Disregards Party Lines

April 15, 2011

It’s worth noting that, in the same week that President Obama cited the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) as a key tool in cutting future Medicare costs, a House Democrat … Continued

A Food Writer Brings Perspective to the Budget Battles

April 14, 2011

Sure, the topical thing to do in this space today would be to comment on the President’s deficit reduction speech and the contrast between the Obama budget plan and the … Continued

“A Useless Piece of Plastic”

April 6, 2011

Before we get too far along in the week, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to highlight an article by Robert Pear of the New York Times that appeared … Continued

Toasting the Indisputable

March 24, 2011

There has been much ado made this week over the one year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act.  And, just as was the case a year ago, … Continued