
New Evidence on the Importance of Prevention

July 31, 2009

There has been an ongoing frustration in health policy debates over the importance of disease prevention and chronic care management.  It’s one of those cases in which everyone knows something … Continued

From the Windy City…

July 28, 2009

I’m very pleased that the Chicago Sun-Times published my op-ed piece that points out how many of the important components of healthcare reform currently have bipartisan support and we shouldn’t … Continued

Good News (but not that good) on Childhood Obesity

July 24, 2009

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported yesterday that childhood obesity rates have stopped increasing and have essentially leveled off over the past five years.  That’s the good news. … Continued

My Way or the Highway

July 16, 2009

Those of us who were around during the contentious debates over President Clinton’s health reform proposal recall all too well why the White House was unsuccessful in getting reform passed.  … Continued

HLC Members Urge Middle Ground on Health Reform

July 14, 2009

Over 40 of the nation’s leading health care companies and organizations told congressional leaders today that health reform will not be successful if its “politically polarizing” and wears “the label … Continued

Why Bipartisanship Is Important

July 9, 2009

Time Karen Tumulty raises an interesting question in the magazine’s blog today.  With Al Franken’s election now giving Democrats 60 votes in the Senate, she writes, why are they “even … Continued

An Important Independence Day Message

July 3, 2009

As we stand on the verge of debating actual health reform legislation instead of simply theoretical ideas, I thought it important to share this message from Rich Umdenstock, the president … Continued

A Way to Find What Works in Health Care

July 3, 2009

When Congress, earlier this year, passed an economic stimulus bill that included $1.1 billion for comparative effectiveness studies, many were concerned that this money included no provisions to include the … Continued

Coming Up on ABC

July 2, 2009

The media’s wall-to-wall coverage of Michael Jackson unfortunately bumped an important network television report on healthcare, a piece that Americans need to see as we determine the future of our … Continued